safety officer interview paper


Safety Officer Interview questions

Q.What is Safety? 

Safety is free from risk and danger (The word safety drives from the Latin word “salvus‟ means uninjured and healthy),OIL AND GAS SAFETY OFFICER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS

Q. What are the responsibilities of Safety Officer? 

  • The HSE Officer acts an advisory capacity to the management and supervision with regards Health and Safety Environment,
  • He is to monitor and ensure that the activities are being performed with acceptable safety norms.
  •  Helping supervisors to identify hazardous and unsafe conditions and ensuring rectifications.
  • Conducting toolbox meeting, Supervisors safety meeting, conducting training in various topics, conducting safety incentive program, conducting safety
  • Taking disciplinary action against the violations. Conducting risk assessment and JSA, pre-task meeting and all other projects
    related safety requirements.
  • Keep track record all incidents at site.
  • He is to investigate hazards and dangerous occurrences, examine the cause of accident, carry out a safety inspection on-site and what remedial steps/action has been undertaken.






Q. What is a ‘Permit to Work’ Procedure / Work Permit System?

The „Permit to Work‟ (PTW) Procedure is a formal written system, which utilize a document to control the work by means of potential hazards identification and risk assessment.

The work permit is also a means of communication among various supervisors or their respective belonging to operation, maintenance, controlling teams, and contract personnel, who are involved in work preparation and/or its execution.

Q. Explain Types of Work Permit normally used in the oil & gas industry?

Types of Work permits: 5 types of work permit
1. Hot Work Permit (red)
2. Cold Work Permit (green)
3. Radiography Permit (yellow)
4. Vehicle/mobile plant entry work permit
5. Confined Space Entry Permit
(a) Cold Work Permit:
A document that specifies precautions identifies hazards and controls all work that is not hot and radiographic in nature.
(b) Hot Work Permit:
A document that specifies precautions, identifies hazards and controls all work involving actual naked flames, sparks or has potential for creating sparks or heat.
(c) Radiography Work Permit:
A document that specifies precautions identifies hazards and control all work involving radiographic in nature.
(d) Vehicle / Mobile Plant Entry Permit:
A document that specifies precautions identifies hazards and controls all work
involving entry of a vehicle or mobile plant into a hazardous area.
(e) Confined Space Entry Permit:
A document that specifies precautions identifies hazards and controls all work involving entry to an enclosure, which has limited means of entry or exit, not designed for continuous occupancy.


Q. Explain Each Work Permit Validity? (as per KOC)

Hot / Cold / Radiography Permit:
Valid for a maximum duration of seven consecutive days from the date of issue subject to renewal by the permit issuer.
Note: Validity Period for Cold or Hot work permit in Non-Hazardous area can be
extended for a maximum of one month with approval from the concerned Team Leader.
Confined Space Entry Permit:
Valid for one continuous work shift or part thereof; however the permit is to be renewed / re-endorsed in case of crew change, transfer of responsibility, work suspension, or as recorded in the permit.
Vehicle / Mobile Plant Entry Permit:
Valid for one continuous work shift for Vehicle entry, whereas for Mobile Plant Entry it is valid for maximum 7 consecutive working days from the date of issue subject to renewal by Permit Issuer.


Q. Explain Each Work Permit Distribution? (as per KOC)
Work Permit will be made out in FOUR COMPIES
The Original for worksite 1st copy for Permit Applicant 2nd copy of all permits (except cold work permit) forwarded to FIRE TEAM by the permit issuer 3rd copy shall be retained by the issuing authority Note: After completion of work and permit closure as per procedure…
Originally kept on record with Permit Issuer. 1st copy shall be retained by the Permit Applicant (for minimum 6 months). 3rd copy can be given to the Worksite Supervisor for their record.
Q. What is e-WP (Electronic Work Permit)? (as per KOC)


Electronic Work Permit (e-WP) is a web-based solution through KOC intranet to manage electronically the authorization process of non-routine activities which are carried out in KOC business as per Permit to Work Procedure (KOC.SA.004).
Q. What important details a work permits gives?

It is a form, which is signed by higher responsible people to carry out the specific job. It
clearly states:
* What is to be done, Where, When and What are the safety precautions to be taken.

Q. What is Cold work, Hot Work and Radiography work?
Cold Work:
Any work that does not involve a source of ignition or naked flame or does not have
spark generating potential is classified as a Cold Work.
Hot Work:
Any work which involves the use of naked or a source of ignition or sparks generating
potential is classified as a Hot Work.
Radiography Work:
Any work that involves the use of a radioactive source, shall be covered by a
radiography work.

Q. What is the Excavation? And types of excavation?
Any man-made cavity, cut, trench or depression on an earth surface formed by earth
Types of Excavation:
A. Manual Excavation: The excavation without using any powered equipment.
B. Mechanical Excavation: The excavation work using any electrical or mechanical


Q. Explain about Excavation Notification?
Excavation notification is a document to notify concerned authorities, who have responsibility
and jurisdiction for safety and integrity of above ground and underground services existing at
the propose site of excavation.
* Excavation notification must be supported by a work permit.
* Excavation notification is valid for 90 days from the date of issue.
* Excavation notification is required for all excavations regardless of depth.
Q. Why Excavation Notification required for excavation?
Excavation notification gives detailed information about the underground facilities and
it is to be signed by all KOC concerned departments to confirm that the proposed
excavation location has been identified and all safety measures have been taken for
the existing underground facilities.
* Cave in or collapse of soil
* Risk due to presence of underground installations, pipelines, cables.
* Drowning due to water seepage into trench.
* Soil vibration due to machinery / heavy vehicles operations in the vicinity.
* Lack of Oxygen or asphyxiation etc.
* Underground obstruction or damage to buried pipelines & services
* Accidental fall of personnel or equipment inside a trench
* Struck / hit by excavating machinery
* Dropped/falling objects
* Flammable & / or toxic gas release
* Exposed to airborne contaminants
* Fire & explosion
* Electrical shock due to contact with energized electrical/telecom cable.
* Possible presence of explosive devices
* Damage to shallow underground services due to weight of heavy equipment such
as a mechanical excavator.
* Encountering wet soil (mixed with water) or reaching the water table.
* Encountering contaminated soil

Q. Enlist precaution to be taken prior to taking to and during excavation

  • No excavation work in KOC area without clearance of Explosive Ordinance
    Disposal (EOD).
  • No mechanical excavation closer than 5 meters to any hydrocarbon carrying
  • No mechanical excavation closer than 3 meter to a non-hydrocarbon carrying
    pipeline, cables, and services.
  • For any excavation deeper than 1m, the ladder must be positioned projecting
    minimum of 1 meter above the edge of the excavations.
  • Ladders shall be provided every 7.5 meters (25 feet) of lateral travel in the trench.
  • Ladders shall be securely supported at the bottom as well as at the top.
  • Excavated material shall be placed 1m from the edge of the excavation for depth
    up to 1.2 meter. (Accordingly placement of excavated material shall be increased proportion to the depth of excavation.)
  • Heavy equipment, machinery shall be kept at least 3 meters away from the edge.
  • Any walkway across trench shall have scaffold type platform with handrails.
  • All trenches shall have barrier (such as fixed guardrails) and reflective warning
    notices clearly displayed. Flashing lights are mandatory during poor visibility.
  • The access to plant, equipment, and emergency services must not be obstructed by
    the trenches.
  • No mechanical excavation is allowed inside the existing KOC facilities (Gathering
    Center, Booster Station, water injection and handling facilities, etc.)

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Q. What is confined space?
* Any enclosure having a limited means of entry & exit and it is not designed for continuous occupancy.
* There will be a presence of any hazardous substances such as flammable and toxic gases, oxygen deficiency, hot or humid atmosphere or any combination of it.
Examples: Process vessels, Tanks, Bins, Stacks, Large pipe, Duct, Pits & Trench etc.
Any excavation with depth more than 1.2 meters.
Q. What are the Confined Space Hazards?
A confined space may have one or a combination of the following hazards:
* Oxygen deficiency
* Presence of flammable, combustible or pyrophoric materials (HC, Sludge, etc.)
* Presence of toxic gases, corrosive or hazardous materials (H2S, Co, NH3 etc.)
* Poor illumination, Ventilation & Communication.
* High temperature and humidity.
* Limited entry & exit / Restricted access.
* Restricted movement inside.
* Falling / Tripping hazards
* Presence of reactive or self-igniting material.
* Hazard due to electricity or moving machinery.
* Hazard due to pressurized fluid.
* Hazard due to the nature of work carried out inside confined space.
Q. What is the procedure for entering a confined space hazards?

  1. Permit must be procured form operations, making sure of the following.
    a. Complete isolation of the space to be entered.
    b. Draining, depressurization, and purging or cleaning should be performed.
    c. The gas tests should be conducted to ensure no hazardous atmosphere is present.
    d. Space ventilation.
  2. A Pre task meeting must be conducted with all authorized entrants prior to entering
    confined space.
  3. The attendant (Stand by man) shall be assigned at the entrance to maintain communication with employees working inside to ensure their safety. A logbook shall be maintained at the entrance to keep track of the people inside the space.
  4. Safety attendant must be trained and authorized to use gas testing equipment.
  5. Entrants must wear body harness, and if necessary a lifeline be attached to the harness to avoid entry-rescue.
  6. Lighting should be provided, if necessary a maximum of 24 volts, lighting should be used attached a GFCI.
  7. Only intrinsically safe or explosion-proof equipment shall be used inside.
  8. Depending on the situation, emergency rescue team may be put on standby.
  9. If an emergency occurs within the confined space, the standby person must not enter it until rescue team arrived.
  10. Barricade the area with a warning signboard.


Q. What you know about working in a confined space entry? 
Any enclosure having a limited means of entry & exit and it is not designed for continuous
employee occupancy.
* Before entering the confined space, just need to obtain a confined space
entry work permit, make sure that all required isolation being done.
* Frequently gas test is to be carried out to confirm that area is free of toxic gas or
flammable atmosphere.
* If the area is contaminated or it has oxygen deficiency the provided BA sets or airline respiratory system.
* Conduct pre-task meetings for the employees who will be entering inside the
confined area and get there signature to confirm that they are aware of the
hazards and safety measures.
* The attendant (Stand by man) to assigned at the entrance. A logbook shall be
maintained at the entrance to keep track of the people inside the space. The
attendant shall not be assigned to other duties. If an emergency occurs within the
confined space, the standby person must not enter it until rescue team arrived.
* The entering people should use body harness with a lifeline for the emergency
rescue purpose.
* Any required electrical lighting or tools should not exceed more than 24 volts and
attached with GFCI / ELCB. It should be intrinsically safe or explosive proof.
* Barricade the area with warning signboard.
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Q. Explain H2S? OR What are H2S and its characteristics explain?
• H2S is produced or generated by the decomposition of organic materials.
• It is a highly toxic gas and highly flammable.
• Its smell like a rotten egg at low concentrations and not detectable by order at high
• It is highly flammable. (flammable at 4.3% to 45.5% by volume in air)
• It is colorless.
• It is heavier than Air. (1.19)
• It is highly soluble in water and other liquid.
• When burned or flared it forms sulfur dioxide (SO2) which is also colorless and
highly toxic gas.
• The exposure limits 10 PPM is the maximum allowed for 8 hours.
• Increasing exposure will cause headache and irritation of eyes.
• 800 PPM or more will be instantly fatal.
Exposure Limit:
TLV-TWA of H2S = 10 ppm
TLV-STEL of H2S = 15 ppm
IDLH of H2S = 100 ppm
Note: – Up to 10ppm work can be done without the respiratory protection system.
– 10 to 100ppm work can be done by SCBA or Air lined breathing apparatus.
– Above 100ppm work not permitted, allowed only for rescue.
Q. What are the prominent H2S HAZARDS?
H2S Hazards:
* Eyes and respiratory irritation.
* Dizziness, headache, nausea, abdominal pain.
* Loss of consciousness, Brain damage possible, death / fatal.
Q. Explain the precautionary measures to be taken while approaching
H2S prone area?
Precautionary Measures – H2S:
* a Sufficient number of escape masks shall be kept in areas where H2S is liable to
* In case H2S presence is suspected in an area, the persons must put on an escape
mask immediately and the toxic gas test must be made immediately with an appropriate
detector to determined the concentration of H2S in air.
* Working person should be equipped with personal detectors and alarming devices
to alert in case of H2S presence.
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* In case of H2S alarm, all personnel should vacate the area after donning the escape
set/breathing apparatus and report to the designated assembly point for
* If working in H2S contaminated atmosphere must wear suitable BA set and work in
pairs to support and rescue each other in the event of difficulties.
* Know the wind direction and evacuate in the crosswind direction in case of H2S
* Never go to a low-lying area during H2S leak.
* Paste H2S warning sign in H2S prone areas.
* The presence or suspected of H2S in any part of the plant or sewer shall be
reported immediately to the supervisor and respective area fire station for arranging
rescue and support.
Q. How to treatment of persons affected by H2S?
Positive pressure breathing apparatus must be worn by any person attempting a
* The victim must be immediately moved to fresh air, possibly in the upwind direction
of the gas leak. The rescuer must be outside the contaminated area before
removing his/her personal BA set.
* If the victim has stopped breathing, resuscitation must be started immediately,
using artificial respiration or a resuscitator if available. Resuscitation must be
continued until the victim starts breathing unaided or until qualified medical
assistance arrives. Medical help must be summoned as soon as possible.


Q. Define TLV-TWA, STEL and IDLH?
Time Weighted Average (TWA) concentrate on the contaminant in air over the normal
work shift of 8 hours, to which workers can be exposed without respiratory protection
in a 40 hour workweek.
Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) when exposed only for a short period of 15
minutes. This maximum concentration can be allowed to breathe 4 times during 8
hours with a minimum 1-hour interval between exposures.
Minimum concentration of contaminant in the air which is Immediately Dangerous to Life
and Health (Note: Air supplied respirators are required in IDLH atmospheres.)


Q. What is Flash Point (FP)?
The minimum temperature at which a flammable mixture of gas or vapor in the air will
momentarily flash when a source of ignition (spark) is introduced.
Q. What is Auto-Ignition Temperature (AIT)?
The minimum temperature required to initiate self-sustained combustion of a solid, liquid or
gas in the absence of a source of ignition.
Q. What are LEL/LFL and UEL/UFL?
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): or (Lower Flammable Limit)
Minimum concentration of vapor or gas in air which will burn when a source of ignition
(spark) is introduced.
Upper Explosive Limit (UEL): or (Upper Flammable Limit)
Maximum vapor/gas to air concentration above which flame propagation will not occur,
i.e. the mixture is “too rich” to burn.
Note-1: Flammable Gas Detectors (Meters) measure % LEL, hence actual LEL means
100% of full-scale reading of the meter. Below LEL (100% of meter reading), a
mixture is “too lean” to burn.
Note-2: LEL of airborne combustible dust: If the dust obscures vision at a distance of 5
feet (1.52 m) or less it is considered as at LEL (ex. Sulfur or coke).


Q. What is scaffolding?
Scaffolding is a temporary working platform to provide supports to both men and materials for
working place. It is used in maintenance, construction, and demolition work etc.
Types of scaffoldings:-
* Permanent scaffolding
* Hanging scaffolding
* Suspended scaffolding
* Mobil scaffolding.
Q. What are the points to be checked while green tagging erected
Before using scaffold check the tag (7 days validity).
The green tag we can use the scaffold and Red tag for not use and Yellow tag use only for
scaffolding works.
* Level and firmness of the ground.
* Soleplate
* Baseplate
* Standards
* Ledger
* Transom
* Couplers
* Planks (boards)
* Braising
* Guard rails
* Mid rail
* Outriggers
* Ladders
Q. What is Potential Hazards of scaffolding?
* Collapse of Scaffolding.
* Falling from a height.
* Falling object.
* Slip & Trip hazards.
* Pinch point hazards / Sharp edges
* Opening without a guardrail.
* Scaffold erection during the storm or high winds, raining, and poor visibility.
* Blocking emergency access and walkways
Q. What is the cause of scaffolding failure?
* Slipping of unsecured ladder.
* Use of unsuitable scaffold or faulty materials.
* Inadequate or irregular platform width.
* Omission of guard rails or toe boards.
* Failure to properly secure the scaffold to the building or to brace it adequately.
* Overloading on the scaffold platforms.
Q. What is the precaution during scaffolding erection?
* Scaffolding erection, dismantling should be done under the supervision of a
COMPETENT PERSON (Scaffolding Supervisor).
* Red Tag means Danger “do not use” and Green Tag means “scaffold complete ready
for use” when completed.
* Gap between boards/planks should be 1 inch (25mm).
* Top guardrail, mid-rail, and toe board should be provided.
* Guard rails and Toa boards shall be fitted to the inside of standards.
* Guard rail should have a height between 915 mm (0.9 m or 90 cm or 3‟ feet) to
1143 mm (1.15 m or 3‟ 9”)
* Toe board should be 6” (15 cm) high and secured with toe board clips.
* If scaffold to be erected on soft ground should be used soleplate.
* Worker shall be not working on scaffolds during storms or high winds or poor visibility.
* Sole plate shall extend under at least two standards.
* Base plates with screw jacks should be proper scaffold leveling adjustment.
* All standard shall be vertical.
* Ledgers shall be securely fixed to standards couplers.
* Scaffolds should be properly braced by cross bracing or diagonal braces or both
for securing vertical members together.
* Access ladder must be provided for any platform & clamped with scaffold structure.
* Ladder should be 4:1 ratio and angle 750
* Ladder should be rise 1 meter (42 inch) above from the landing-place/platform.
* Scaffold should be not obstruct access to/from any fire fighting equipment /
emergency equipment, operating area equipment, instrument and control panels,
ladders, stairways, etc.
* Scaffold platform opening should be secured with guardrail and signboard.
* All scaffolding couplers should be tightened.
Q. What are the Hazards Associated with Electricity?
* Inadequate wiring.
* Exposed electrical parts
* Wire with bad insulation.
* Undergrounded electrical systems and tools.
* Overloaded circuits
* Damaged power tools and equipment.
* Using the wrong PPE and tools
* Overhead Powerlines.
* All hazards are made worse in wet conditions.




Q. What are the precautions to be taken to avoid electrocution?
* All electrical work must be covered by an appropriate work permit.
* The authorized person approved by the relevant Maintenance Team can carry out electrical work.
* Electrical safety floor mats made from a special grade of insulating rubber shall be provided in front of switchboards or high-voltage equipment to protect personnel against accidental electric shock.
* Warning tape on top of buried cables and electrical cable tiles must be provided as an early warning notice for excavations.
* All portable electrical equipment must be approved by the Maintenance Team and shall be used as per suitability for the relevant area only.
* Do not reach blindly into areas that may contain energized parts.
* Do not enter into space where adequate lighting and working space is not available.
* Only Industrial type plugs and sockets shall be used on all locations other than offices and houses.
HSE Questionnaire for Interview
* All testing and measuring equipment used for the electrical works should be tested, calibrated and documented.
* Ensure all equipment is grounded and should be attached GFCI / ELCB.
* Inspect electrical equipment’s before use.
* Electrical Panel, Junction boxes, pull boxes and fitting must have approved covers.
* Unused openings in cabinets, boxes and fittings must be closed.
* Don‟t overload on a circuit.
* Maintain the distance from overhead power lines during the Crane activity and scaffolding erection and other activities.
* All cable of power tools / portable tools should be double insulated.
* Don‟t use damaged extension cords and don‟t touch live wire and another wire at a different voltage.
* Damaged equipment must not be touched until the isolated.
* Disconnect the power when not in use and when changing accessories.
* Use the appropriate PPE for the job.
* Competent, qualified and approved personnel should be carry out testing & energizing of the equipment.
* Electrical lock-out and tag-out system should be used when working on electrical equipment.
* In the event of fire on electrical panel or equipment, the electrical power supply must be isolated and suitable Fire Extinguisher shall be used to extinguish the fire.
Q. What are the safety precautions you will take for a temporary electrical
* Temporary wiring shall be guarded or isolated by elevating to prevent accidental contact with workmen or equipment.
* Vertical clearance above walkways shall not be less than 3m (10feet) for circuits
carrying 600V or less.
* Wires shell is insulated from their support.
* Temporary festoon lighting strings shall be made up with cords having lamp sockets and connections protected by insulating coverings.
* Extension cord shall be of approved types and used for the purpose for which they are made.
* Expose empty light sockets and broken bulbs shall be prohibited.
Q. Explain Fire Triangle?
* Fire Triangle is a diagram that represents the three components that creates a fire such as Oxygen or Air, Fuel, and Heat (source of ignition).
* Absence of any of the components, the fire would not occur.


Q. What is the different class of fire/types of fire?
Class of Fire: (As Per KOC)
Class A – Carbon-based combustible materials (wood, rubber, paper, fabric, etc.)
Class B – Liquid (petrol, oil, thinners etc.)
Class C – Gases (acetylene, propane, LPG, Butane etc.)
Class D – Metals (Sodium, potassium, magnesium) require a special extinguishing agents.
Class E – Fire involving energized electrical equipment as electrical cable, electrical
motor etc.

Q. What is the fire extinguishing principle?
Fire extinguisher principle involves eliminating one or more of the components forming a Fire Triangle.
Starving: The removal of fuel to the point so that nothing remains to burn.
Example: turn off valves.
Smothering: The removal of air or oxygen to point the so that combustion ceases.
Example: fire blanket, foam, and sand.
Cooling: Cooling of fuel to the point so that combustion vapors are no longer produced, and the temperature is dropped below the ignition point.
Example: water spray etc.
Inhibiting the Flame Chain Reaction:
It is represented by the fire tetrahedron shown below. In this method by arresting the chemical chain reaction in the flame zone, the combustion process is terminated, e.g. introduce a Dry Chemical Extinguisher, inert agent, etc.
Q. What is the transmission of heat?

Transfer of heat is responsible for initiation, continuation, and extinguishment of most fires.
Fire can spread by one or more of the following modes:-
Conduction: Heat from one body is transferred to another by direct contact.
Convection: Heat is transferred by a circulating medium either a gas or liquid.
Radiation: Heat is transferred from one body to another by heat rays a medium in between.
Q. Define Near Miss, Incident & accident? What is different between
Incident & Accident?
Near Miss: Near miss is an incident, which resulted in no injury or illness and/or damage
(loss) to people, assets, the environment, or Company reputation.
Example: A water tanker tilted.
Incident: Incident is any unwanted and unplanned occurrence/event which resulted or
could have resulted in physical injury or death to person or damage to property or environment.
An undesired event that has caused or could have potentially caused personal injury, illness and/or damage (loss) to assets, production or harm to
environment or third party.
Accident: Accident is an undesired unplanned occurrence that resulted to an injury or death to a person or damage to property or environment.
It is occurring due to unsafe acts or unsafe conditions or a combination of both.
The accident is an unexpected, unplanned and unwanted occurrence which is occurred by unsafe act and unsafe condition or combination of both, which can be resulted in injury to person and damage to property and environment.


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Q. What are Unsafe Acts & Unsafe Conditions?
Unsafe Acts: Working without safety precaution or the act which can create accidents.
It is a violation of an accepted safety procedure which could have
permitted to the occurrence of an accident.
Example: Working at height without any fall protection.
Unsafe Conditions: The place where hazardous is hiding.
It is a physical condition that could have permitted to the occurrence of an accident.
Example: Working inside the deep trench without slopping or shoring.
Q. What is the different Hazardous Area Classification? (as per KOC)
What do you mean by Hazardous Area? What is Zone 0, 1 and 2.
Hazardous Area:
A hazardous area is a zone in which a flammable atmosphere may be present during normal operation or under abnormal conditions.
Classification of Hazardous Area:
Zone – 0: Zone in which a flammable atmosphere is continuously present or present for a
long period. (Typically more than 1000 hours/year.)
Zone – 1: Zone in which a flammable atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operations. (Typically 10 to 1000 hours/year)
Zone- 2: Zone in which a flammable atmosphere is not likely to occur under normal operations and if it occurs, it will only exist for a short time. (Typically less than 10 hours/year)


Q. In case of Fire, Accident, Gas leak or Explosion what you will do?
How you will safeguard your people at the site in case of any leak?
Who & How do you communicate this emergency.
* Inform to nearest fire station / Burgan fire station with clear details about the
incident and emergency evacuation plan will be following up.
* All running equipment must put off.
* All people have to evacuate in the crosswind direction and calmly walk to the
assembly area thereon instructions will mount on the available transport, the
transport will take all to a safe area.
* Every section will have a headcount by section head or timekeeper or check that
anyone missing or not.
* If anyone gets hurt during explosion, gas leak, fire or accident, will be evacuated to
the nearest medical center after giving first aid by qualified first aider or doctor.
* Emergency officer will give clear instructions of the situation improved or all will be
evacuated to a safe area.
* All work permits will become nullified during emergencies automatically.
* During emergency an appointed Sr. staff/Sr. the safety officer will take charge as an
emergency officer.
* All will wait in the safe area until further instruction comes from the emergency
officer/KOC for either to return back to the work or to a safe area.

Q. Enlist precaution to be taken prior to starting the WELDING
Following precaution should be taken during Welding / Hot Work.
* Hot Work will start with a valid hot work permit.
* If it is inside GC or Refinery then need to cover the welding point with proper fire blanket.
* Frequent gas test to be carried out
* Wet the area with water and pressurized firewater hose to be kept near the hot work area.
* Combustible materials to be removed from the welding point.
* Keep the certified and valid fire extinguisher near the hot work area.
* Trained and certified fire watcher should be present.
* Equipment, which will be used for hot work to be inspected before starting up the job.
* All welding machine must be connected with GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) or ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) and approved spark arrester.
* All welding machines must be ground with the static-earthing device.
* All cable must be properly insulated and electrode holder, plugs and sockets must be in good condition.
* The equipment or pipe, spool should be supported on a secured and firm base during welding or grinding.
* All valves, flanges, drains, canals etc. where gas leaks or the presence of a flammable atmosphere is possible should be covered.



Q. What are the Safety Precautions taken GAS WELDING & CUTTING?
* Any hot work will start with a valid hot work permit.
* Frequent gas test to be carried out.
* In a gas welding or cutting operations, the oxyacetylene flames shall be ignited by the lighter specially designed.
* The pressure regulators and gauges shall be suitable and in good working condition.
* The cylinder valve must be closed before the regulator is removed.
* Flashback arrestors should be fitted both ends with the hoses to prevent flashback.
* The adequate ventilation must be provided to expel toxic gases/fumes if activities carried out inside a tank/vessel / any confined space.
* All valves, flanges, drains, canals, etc. where gas leaks or the presence of a flammable atmosphere is possible should be covered.
* Combustible materials to be removed from the welding point.
* Valid Fire Extinguishers and Fire Watcher should be provided.
* When need to cover the welding point with proper fire blanket.
* When necessary, wet the area with water and pressurized firewater hose shall be provided.
* Equipment, which will be used for hot work to be inspected before starting up the job.
* All hose and cable, plugs, and sockets must be in good condition.
Q. What are the welding and cutting hazards?
Welding & Cutting HAZARDS:
* Risk due to toxic gas & fumes generated while welding or cutting.
* Fire or explosion started by flame, sparks, and hot material from the activities.
* Electrical shock from arc welding equipment.
* Burn hazard due to heat generated while welding or cutting.
* Weld bead particulars or slag entering unprotected eyes during chipping.
* Inhalation of welding fumes.
* Falling Gas cylinders.
* Radiation from UV and Infra-Red (flash eye).
Q. What will be your action if someone informs you about the accident?
* Ask him the location of the accident and the details.
* After reached the location analyze the situation, if someone gets hurt during an accident must be evacuated to the nearest medical center after giving first aid by a qualified first aider or doctor.
* Report to near fie station / Burgan fire station with clear location and details of the accident.
* Report to client HSE Specialist and concerned project manager.
* Investigate the accident and prepared an accident report with an attached sketch and supporting documents and submit to the client HSE Dept. If the accident is major like Explosion / heavy fire / heavy gas leak then seek help from nearest fire station / Burgan fire station and follow up the evacuation procedure
Q. What is the Pyrophoric Scale?
* Pyrophoric scale is actually Iron Sulphide (FeS2) which develops inside the pipeline or piping system. It will readily ignite when exposed air/oxygen (Exothermic Reaction – i.e. heat releasing).
* Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) or any Sulphur compound when it reacts with iron it will form PyrophoricIron Sulphide.
* It is highly flammable even exposure to the air. The best way to handle is to douse it with water and keep it thoroughly wetted until safe disposal.
* In pipelines or equipment which carry gas or liquid and which contains Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Pyrophoric Scale or Iron Sulphide (FeS2) may be present.
Q. What is the MSDS?
Material Safety Data Sheet is detailed information about the physical and chemical characteristics of the chemicals as well as the health, safety, fire, reactivity, and environmental hazards and precautions. It is provided by the manufacturer.
Q. What is the JSA?
* JSA stands for Job Safety Analysis.
* It is to be completed before the start of any new job.
* It clearly defines the specific job, equipment, and tools to be used, specific hazards of the job and preventive measures to be taken.
* It is to be filled by supervisory staff and discussed with HSE Dept.
* It is to be signed by all concerned to confirm that everyone involved does know about the job and how to do it in a safe way.


Q. What is EOD and what will be your responsibility if an EOD
EOD is Stand for Explosive Ordinance Disposal. In case of an EOD identified or an unidentified object find, mark the area so as to relocate it, keep away all workers from the particular area. If possible detail a watchman and inform respective area fire station with clear details. Stop all activities at the location until cleared by KOC Ordinance Disposal Squad.
Q. Define Lockout Tag out (LOTO) System?
* Lockout & Tag out is a process to block the flow of energy from the source and it will be locked with lock system or padlock for not restore the energy and these should be tag on it, the tag will be as a warning „do not operate‟.
* Locks and tags will be normally be removed only by the person who installed them whenever possible.
* Before lockout and tag out make sure that a valid isolation permit being obtained.


Q. Define Chemical Hazard Identification Tag?
* Chemical hazard Identification Tag or Hazardous Material Classification Tag is a warning tag to inform that how hazardous is the material contains e.g. fire, health, reactivity or specific hazard.
* It is color-coded, Red for Fire, Blue for health, Yellow for reactivity and White for specific hazards like oxidizer, alkali, acid and corrosive etc.
Q. What are the general precautions to be taken before and during
Precautions – Abrasive Wheel:
* Ensure the spindle speed does‟t exceed the maximum speed marked on the wheel.
* Ensure fit the wheel on the spindle freely.
* Tighten the spindle nut enough to hold the wheel in place without distorting the flange.
* Do not stand in front of the rotating wheel.
* Provide a protective guard for a moving abrasive wheel and maintain proper alignment with the wheel.
* For any bench mounted abrasive wheel, the wheel rest should be adjusted as close as practicable to the abrasive wheel, which shall be firmly secured.
* Before mounting inspects closely for damage, perform sound-test or ring-test to ensure free from cracks/defects.
* Don‟t adjust wheel while it‟s rotating and disconnect tools when changing the wheel.
* Don‟t use expired abrasive wheel and removed damage/crack wheel and tag it “do not use”.
* Must be used eye and face protective device (goggles, face shield, etc.).
* Wear the suitable respiratory protection also in case abrasive wheel generates dust.
* A sign shall be posted near all fixed abrasive wheels.

Q. What is a safety precaution to be taken prior to start & during the
WORK AT HEIGHT & why it is required?
* The work is properly planned, organized. Appropriately supervised and carried out ensuring the safety of workers and integrity of worksite.
* The worksite including its access as well exit is safe with the necessary protection against fall from height.
* Similarly the workers to be deployed for work at height are trained and aware of potential hazards.
* PPE, appropriate fall arrest system such as Safety Harness, Safety Nets etc. shall be used to protect the person from fall.
* The personnel working at height must use appropriate & approved Full Body Safety Harness and attached to a secure anchorage.
* All the straps of safety harness shall be securely tightened to the body parts.
* The tools and equipment to be used at height must be kept properly secured to prevent its accidental fall or tripping hazard.
* The area in the vicinity of work at height should be barricaded and danger notice posted to alert the personnel.
* Man Basket: Workers should keep all body parts inside the man basket while it is being lifted or positioned. Workers must wear a personal fall arrest system, and Helmet with chin strap must be worn at all times.
* Sloping Roofs: Employee worked in roofing activities on slope roofs with unprotected sides and edges 6 feet (1.8 meters) or more above shall be used appropriate Safety Harness, Safety Net, and Guardrail or a combination of these.


Q. What are the safety PRECAUTIONS to be taken while performing
* The load is clear of any obstruction
* The load is securely slung (use tie ropes)
* The security of the load is to be reconfirmed once the load is raised a few inches.
* The crane is not used to drag the load or pull the slings beneath a few inches.
* No movement is allowed under the suspended load.
* Barricade the swing radius of the crane.
* Never sling different size of tubular together
* The crane hook is in central position over the load.
* All equipment must be inspected by third party and validity of inspection must be
* Daily inspection sheet of cranes must be always available with a crane operated.
* SWL of the crane and hook shall be marked and highlighted.
* Fire extinguisher of approved type & capacity.
* Crane hook secured prevent swinging action in transit.
* A calibrated SWL indicator &crane capacity chart prominently displayed in the cabin.
* All loose material is to be removed from the top of the load.
* Slings is protected from sharp edges by using suitable packing
* Hooks used on lifting equipment should be fitted with safety devices to prevent the load or sling displacement for the hook.
* Do not use wire rope slings if it is kinked, crushed, frayed or corroded.
* Slings must never be shortened by tying knots in them or by wrapping around a crane hook.
Q. What are the Potential HAZARDS while performing LIFTING
* Accidents hit or crush by hanging load.
* Falling objects
* Collapse of lifting equipment due to overload.
* Overturning of the crane.
* Failure of lifting gears such as wire ropes, hooks, shackle, eyebolts, chain, etc.


Q. What is Rigging & Slinging?
Rigging and Slinging is a part of mechanical handling activity that involves lifting and shifting of heavy material through the safe use of equipment, machinery or devices such as crane, wire rope, hooks, shackles, chain pulleys, etc.
Q. Explain about Compress Gas Cylinders?
Cylinders testing:
Contractors may be required to provide proof that compresses gas cylinders have been tested in excess of their normal maximum pressure when filled.
Cylinder connections:
Compresses gas cylinders shell is equipped with connections complying with compresses gas cylinders valve outlet and inlet connections –ANSI B 57.1-1975, or an equivalent standard (copy available for examination at the technical library).
Storage of cylinders- general:
The following requirement applies to the storage of Compresses gas cylinders; i.e. cylinders that do not have a gauge in place.
Cylinders shall be shaded if stored outside.
Cylinders stored inside:
a) Well –protected, well-ventilated, dry location.
b) At least 6m (20ft) away from combustible


Q. What is the dead man switch and what is the use of it?
Deadman switch is a control switch, which is connected with sandblasting nozzle (gun) to
control the flow from sandblasting nozzle (gun) while sandblasting.

In case the hose nozzle
loss from the sandblaster hands automatically the system will cut off and the individual and
the property will be safe.
* The nozzle shell is electrically grounded to prevent static electrical discharge or
shocks to the operator.
* Airline spray guns: airline spray gun operates at very high pressures: 140.6 to
170Kg/Sq Cm (2,000 to 2,500 Psi). They are extremely hazardous since the jet is
strong enough to slice through human flesh.

The control switch or lever may have
a catch device to hold switch or lever in the ON position; however, it shall be so
adjusted that if it is dropped from height of 61 Cm (2Ft.) to a soil surface the device
will immediately disengage, thereby shutting of the gun.
* The spray gun shall also be equipped with a safety catch that shall be activated
when the gun is not in use.
Q. Explain PPE?
* Personal Protective Equipment is indented to protect employees from hazards.
There is specific protective equipment for a specific job. PPE will protect you only
if used it in the intended way.
* PPE is a working barrier between harm and the human body.
Q. What is Housekeeping?
* A place for everything and everything in its place. Before starting the job, during the
job and after completion of the job housekeeping should be done.
* Waste materials and rubbish are fire and accident hazards.


Q. What is Non-Hazardous Waste?
Unwanted materials / substances were other than hazardous. They could be in the form of a
solid, sludge, slurry, and liquid.
The exceptions are:-
* Materials sold for reuse/reprocessing
* Surplus/Expired materials that are returned to the manufacturer or supplier
Q. What is Hazardous Waste?
Any waste (solid, sludge, slurry and liquid) which is either: combustible, explosive,
inflammable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic.


Q. What is Reduction Minimization?
Process of reducing the quantity of waste produced through the review of operational
practices, better inventory control, and optimal use of raw materials.
a. Re-use :
The reuse of material on more than one occasion
b. Recycling :
The reprocessing of waste into the same or a different product. Typical recyclable wastes
include oils, glass, paper, plastics, etc.
c. Recovery :
The process of obtaining materials or energy values from collected waste for use or reuse.
Q. What is defensive driving?
Defensive driving is
A. Driving to prevent accidents, in spite of the incorrect actions or others or adverse
weather conditions.
B. Anticipate driving hazards and know how to protect yourself from them.
C. Be alert while driving by keeping your mind free of distractions and your attention
focused on driving. Alertness involves watching and recognizing accident –
causing factors instantly.
D. The professional has foresight and ability to recognize the traffic situations as far
ahead as possible.
E. The driver must anticipate traffic problems that are likely to develop and decide
whether these developments could be dangerous.
F. As a defensive driver, every one must operate their vehicle in a manner to avoid
contributing to an accident or being involved in a preventable accident.
G. To be a good driver you should respect all traffic laws and be courteous to others.
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Q. Write in detail about construction waste management and safe
The HSE officer’s responsibility as following.
* Good housekeeping is to be maintained during day-to-day operations.
* All waste streams that are generated in the project areas to be identified, classified, and entered in a waste register.
* All disposal sites used are to be designed and approved by KOC.
* The subcontractor in charge of waste management and disposal must be licensed
and approved.
* All environmental incidents and accident spillage or discharges must be properly
managed and documented.
* All waste materials must be disposing of in an approved area by the government.
Q. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of PERMIT APPLICANT.
Permit Applicant Responsibilities:
1. All the required information as stipulated in the permit must be entered before the
permit is submitted for approval & authorization.
2. Any required preparatory work must be stipulated in the permit application.
3. All personnel under his responsibility must be advised of their responsibility under
the work permit system.
4. No job can begin until he is satisfied that the worksite supervisor understands his
responsibilities under the work permit system.
5. The safety gear and appliances required for the work must be available.
Q. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of PERMIT ISSUER.
Permit Issuer Responsibilities:
1. All hazards associated with the proposed work have been identified.
2. Before any work begins the worksite is safely prepared, examined and all
specified precautions have been taken.
3. Work permits that may interact or affect another are cross-referred clearly.
4. The work is examined to ensure that it is in safe & acceptable condition:
* When work is suspended.
* Before re-starting the work.
* When retiring to normal operation.
5. The shift change hand-over is properly followed and permit endorsement and
transfer of responsibility has been completed.

Q. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of WORK SITE SUPERVISOR.
Permit Worksite Supervisor Responsibilities:
1. He was a detailed working knowledge of procedures related to his work activity.
2. He does not start any job requiring a work permit until it is authorized and issued.
3. He understands the limitations and restrictions of the work permit in order that the
work party may proceed safely.
4. All members of the work party adhere to safe working practices and are fully
conversant with the limitations, restrictions, and hazards involved.
5. All precautions specified in the work permit are taken.
Q. What is the minimum height of the elevation requires the need for fall
protection? ( Safety harness, Safety belt etc.)
1.8 Mtr. or 6 ft.
Q. What are the fall protection systems?
* Safety belt
* Safety harness
* Lifeline
* Safety Net
* Guard rail system
Q. In which situation a chin strap for Helmet is compulsory?
High windy times & Working at height.
Q. What is the P.P.E. used for working personnel near or above water?
Life jacket
Q. What are the criteria for the selection of the respirators?
* Physical, chemical & Toxic properties of the atmosphere
* Type of contaminant
* Respiration hazard
* IDLH (Immediate Dangerous to Life/Health) of Concentration
* Eye irritation potential
Q. What is SCBA?
* Self Contained Breathing Apparatus.
Q. What are the contents of SCBA?
* Compressed air cylinder
* Full facepiece
* Air supply hose
* Pressure regulator
* Low-pressure alarm
* Pressure gauge
Q. What are the Escape Respirators?
A. Air Purifying Respirators ( Filter/Canister Type)
B. SCBA(Self-contained Breathing Apparatus)
Q. What is SCUBA?
Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
Q. What is the function of the Escape Respirators?
Providing sufficient time to a person to an escape from a suddenly occurring Respiratory
Q. What is the function of Air-purifying Respirators?
It removes the contaminant from the air by absorbing and or filtering.
Q. What’s the normal rating for SCBA?
3 Minutes to 60 Minutes.
Q. Air-purifying respirators can be used in Oxygen deficient
atmosphere? Say ‘Yes or No.
No If „ no „ Ask Why? Ans: It will only clean the air, so when oxygen-deficient
the atmosphere ,it can’t supply the additional air to compensate.
Q. When performing the grinding work by hand grinding M/C , What are
the hazards will u expect?
* Eye injuries due to flying particles(metal chips)
* Wheel bursting
* Electric shock
* Cloth caught
Q. What is the P.P.E. required for fabrication work?
* Coverall
* Helmet
* Safety shoe
* Hand gloves
* Face shield/Goggles.
Q. What is the intrinsically safe concept?
* The electrical equipment, which will be used in the hazardous atmosphere. Must
be intrinsically safe and certified.
* Intrinsically safe electrical equipment’s spark will not expose in the atmosphere it
will be confined in the equipment itself.
Q. What are the parameters of Risk management?
1. Identify
2. Evaluate
3. Recover
4. Mitigate
5. Prevent
Q. Describe 2 types of Co2 systems and their applications?
A. CO2 is contained in a pressure cylinder and is released by a squeeze trigger
mechanism through a horn type applicator, which is using for an electrical fire.
B. Plain water expelled by pressure released from a CO2 cartridge, which is using for
normal fire.
Q. What is a flashback arrester?
It is a valve, which is protecting cylinders from backfire. It calls NRV (non-return valve).
HAZAN – Hazardous Analysis
QRA – Quantified Risk Analysis
HAZOP – Hazardous Operation
HAZCH – Hazardous Chemical
HAZMAT – Hazardous Material

Q. What is your understanding of HSE awareness? Write in full
Promoting and disseminating health safety and environment programs.
Q. How do you implement HSE during construction through
commissioning of the project and on what basis?
To ensure that all major hazards which can cause harm to people environment or
property has been identified, suitable control and recovery measures are
Basis: – Enforcing safety rules and procedures.
Q. What is your concept of a safety review of documents and drawings?
The safety review of documentation is to decrease the system operation and serve as
a permanent reference to the implementation of avoiding information – Dependent or
Q. What is SHORING?
Shoring is support to prevent trench collapsing. If the side of the trenches is unstable,
soft, or chances to collapse then shoring is essential. It is to be made by COMPETENT
Q. What is Fire?
Fire is a chemical reaction of oxygen, heat, fuel and burning material, met together will
start the fire.
Q. What is the Hazard?
Hazard is the potential to cause harm.
Q. What is Risk?
Chances of personnel and physical loss.
Q. What is the purpose of safety?
To save lives and protect the property.
Q. What is the Isolation?


Temporary disconnect from the sours.
Q. What is the maximum allowable limit for LEL?
For Hot Work less than 1 preferable „0‟ and for Cold Work up to 20
Q. Flammable range of Ammonia?
* For Ammonia (NH3) LEL – 15% and UEL – 28% by volume in air.
* Auto-Ignition Temperature (AIT) is 651.57C (1204 F) – Gas.
* Threshold Limit Value (TLV) – 25 PPM.
* The Short Time Exposure Limit (STEL) – 35 PPM.
Toxicity of Ammonia:
* It is extremely irritating to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs and all moist parts of the
Q. Explosive rang for H2S?
* LEL-4.5% UEL-45.5%
* Auto-Ignition Temperature (AIT) – 260C (500 F)
* Threshold Limit Values (TLV) exposure is 10PPM.
Q. Function of Insulation?
Insulation will keep the heat of the product, without insulation oil will be wax.
Q. What is pipeline/ what is the purpose of the pipeline?
It is a medium to transport oil or gas from one location to another location.
Q. What are welding and cutting?
Welding is a process in which two or more metals are joined together with the application
of heat whereas cutting is the reverse.
Work at height is an activity at an elevated location of more than 1.8 meters (6 feet)
high from the working ground level.


  • The COVID19 typically causes mild to moderate respiratory illness but can be severe in some cases. The risk of spreading illness is greater in locations where people gather.
  • No vaccine is currently available. Prevention is the key.
  • Maintain Social Distancing (minimum of 6 feet / 2 meters) while at the site and traveling.
  • Wash your hands regularly by using soap & water or hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your face, nose, and eyes.
  • Use a nose mask while at the site (preferably washable nose mask)and outside your residence. Wear hand gloves at the site.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
  • JSA should be communicated through TBT meetings to workgroups prior to start the job (Please insure social distance maintained during TBT meeting).
  • Self Assessment Declaration Form must be filled by all individuals on a daily basis. Keep a record of it.
  • The tracking of manpower movement has to be done.
  • No personal movement, interactions shall happen in affected zones of the personnel engaged.

RDI – Restricted Duty Injury
IDI – Industrial Disable Injury
INDI – Industrial None Disable Injury
CSM – Construction Safety Manual
CSP – Construction Safety Plan
AC – Alternating Current
DC – Direct Current
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations (USA)
IFR – Inherent Fire Resistant
kPa – Kilopascals
Bp – Boiling Point
psi – pounds per square inch
PPM – Parts Per Million
LEL – Lower Explosive Limit
BA – Breathing Apparatus
CGI – Combustible Gas Indicator
UV – Ultraviolet
IR – Infra-Red
CFC – Chlorofluorocarbon
CPR – Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
CSR – Chemical Safety Report
MoC – Management of Change (in KOC Procedure)
ANSI – American National Standards Institute
NFPA – National Fire Protection Association
NIOSH – National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration
BS EN – British Standard European Norm
HSEMS – HSE Management System
HSE – Health, Safety & Environment
JSA – Job Safety Analysis
EOT – Electrical Overhead Traveling Crane
EWTP – Effluent Water Treatment Plants



SABIC Safety Officer Interview Questions & Answers



  1. Well outlined and very helpful, could please send me a sotf copy of the interview questionaire?

    Much appreciated for your help.


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