- Lead poisoning, including poisoning by any preparation or compound of lead or their sequelae.
- Lead-tetra-ethyle poisoning.
- Phosphorus poisoning or its sequelae.
- Mercury poisoning or its sequelae.
- Manganese poisoning or its sequelae.
- Arsenic poisoning or its sequelae.
- Poisoning by nitrous fumes.
- Carbon bisulphide poisoning.
- Benzene poisoning, including poisoning by any of its homologues, their nitro or amido derivatives or its sequelae.
- Chrome ulceration or its sequelae.
- Anthrax.
- Silicosis.
- Poisoning by halogens or halogen derivatives of the hydrocarbons of the aliphatic series.
- Pathological manifestations due toβ
(a) radium or other radio-active substances;
(b) X-rays.
- Primary epitheliomatous cancer of the skin.
- Toxic anaemia.
- Toxic jaundice due to poisonous substances.
- Oil acne or dermatitis due to mineral oils and compounds containing mineral oil base.
- Byssionosis.
- Asbestosis.
- Occupational or contact dermatitis caused by direct contract with chemicals and paints. These are of two types, that is, primary irritants and allergic sensitizers.
- Noise induced hearing loss (exposure to high noise levels).
- Beriyllium poisoning.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Coal minersβ pneumoconiosis.
- Phosgene poisoning.
- Occupational cancer.
- Isocyanates poisoning.
- Toxic nephritis.