List of Industries involving hazardous processes as per factory act

List of Industries involving hazardous processes


  1. Ferrous Metallurgical Industries
  • Integrated Iron and Steel
  • Ferrow-alloys
  • Special Steels
  1. Non-ferrous metallurgical Industries
  • Primary Metallurgical Industries, namely, zinc, lead, copper, manganese and aluminium
  1. Foundries (ferrous and non-ferrous)
  • Castings and forgings including cleaning or smoothening/roughening by sand and shot blasting

  1. Coal (including coke) industries
  • Coal, Lignite, Coke, etc.
  • Fuel Gases (including Coal Gas, Producer Gas, Water Gas)
  1. Power Generating Industries
  2. Pulp and paper (including paper products) industries
  3. Fertiliser Industries
  • Nitrogenous
  • Phosphatic
  • Mixed
  1. Cement Industries
  • Portland Cement (including slag cement, puzzolona cement and their products)
  1. Petroleum Industries
  • Oil Refining
  • Lubricating Oils and Greases
  1. Petro-chemical Industries
  2. Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Narcotics, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
  1. Fermentation Industries (Distilleries and Breweries)
  2. Rubber (Synthetic) Industries
  3. Paints and Pigment Industries
  4. Leather Tanning Industries
  5. Electro-plating Industries
  6. Chemical Industries
  • Coke Oven by-products and Coal tar Distillation products
  • Industrial Gases (nitrogen, oxygen, acetylene, argon, carbon, dioxide, hydrogen, sulphur dioxide,nitrous oxide, halogenated hydrocarbon, ozone, etc.)
  • Industrial Carbon
  • Alkalies and Acids
  • Chromates and dichromate’s
  • Leads and its compounds
  • Electrochemical (metallic sodium, potassium and magnesium, chlorates, per chlorates and peroxides)
  • Electro thermal produces (artificial abrasive, calcium carbide)
  • Nitrogenous compounds (cyanides, cyan amides and other nitrogenous compounds)
  • Phosphorous and its compounds
  • Halogens and Halogenated compounds (Chlorine, Fluorine, Bromine and Iodine)
  • Explosives (including industrial explosives and detonators and fuses)
  1. Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides and other Pesticides Industries
  2. Synthetic Resin and plastics
  3. Man made Fibre (Cellulosic and non-cellulosic) Industry
  4. Manufacture and repair of electrical accumulators
  5. Glass and Ceramics
  6. Grinding or glazing of metals
  7. Manufacture, handling and processing of asbestos and its products
  8. Extraction of oils and fats from vegetable and animal sources
  9. Manufacture, handling and use of benzene and substances containing benzene
  10. Manufacturing processes and operations involving carbon disulphide
  11. Dyes and Dyestuff including their intermediates
  12. Highly flammable liquids and gases

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