Heat stroke treatment

heat stroke treatment


Heat stroke treatment and Symptoms

Heat Rush

Usually occurs in hot humidity environments where sweat cannot evaporate easily. If a rash covers a large area it may become uncomfortable.

Symptoms of Heat Rush

Rash characterized by small pink or red bumps, Irritation or prickly sensation, Itching.

First Aid for Heat Rush

Keep skin clean and dry to prevent infection, wear loose cotton clothing, Take a cool bath or sit in the air conditioning to ease irritation.

Heat crampsΒ 

Muscle spasms which usually affect the arms, legs or stomach, generally occur from intensive works done in a hot environment such as welding, gas cutting.

Symptoms of Heat Cramps

Cramping or spasms of muscles may occur during or after work or a few hours later.

First Aid Of Heat Cramps

Rest briefly a cool or shaded area and cool down, drink an electrolyte containing drink such as Gatorade.

Heat exhaustion

Is more serious then heat cramps, it occurs when the body internal air conditioning system is overloaded but hasn’t completely shut down it occurs because the body has lost a large amount of water and salt through excessive sweating.

Symptoms of Heat exhaustion

Cool, moist skin, headache, dizziness, low fever, rapid pulse rate, and low blood pressure.

First Aid of Heat exhaustion

Move the person to cool location and lie down with feet slightly elevated, loosen or remove the person’s clothing and apply cool wet cloth, drinking cool water, monitor the person closely, heat exhaustion can quickly become heat stroke, if the person has a fever greater then 102 degrees, call for medical assistance.

Heat strokeΒ 

This is the most serious heat-related illness it is life-threatening with a high death rate if it is onset. Heat stroke occurs when the body has depleted its supply of water and salt and the victim’s body temperature rises to deadly levels. The body is not able to regulate its core temperature.

Symptoms of Heat stroke

The victims stop sweating, rapid heartbeat, confused unconscious, high body temperature 104 degrees F.

First Aid for Heat stroke

Remove any unnecessary clothing, move to a cool place, out of direct sun light, apply ice pecks to the groin, neck, and arms, pits, do not give them fluids to drink.


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