Checklist for plant inspection

Plant safety checklist
safety checklist


Checklist for plant

Workplace safety inspection checklist

Process or system checklists are used to identify common hazards and ensure compliance with standard procedures.Β Checklist for plant inspection

A checklist is a convenient, means of communicating minimum acceptable levels and hazard evaluation. It can be as detailed as necessary to satisfy the specific situation.

Checklists should be regularly audited and updated. They provide results quickly.

Checklists are complementary to the inspection technique and make the inspection more perfect, speedy and systematic There are so many checklists designed in various ways and differing from plant to plant and person to person based on their knowledge and experience Industry, plant, process, equipment, tools, and machine wise checklists and those for good housekeeping occupy volumes. Therefore some sample points are given below.

A broad checklist for plant inspection:

    1. Environmental factors: parts most likely to develop unsafe or unhealthy conditions because of stress, wear, impact, vibration, Heat, Corrosion, reaction, misuse or neglect etc.
    2. Machinery: Pinch points, catch points, shear points, squeeze points, run-in points, operation points etc. Power transmission shafts, belts, gears, pulleys, electric power, unsafe starting or stopping mechanism and machine guarding.

  1. Tools: Wrong tool for the job, tool in unsafe condition or placed in unsafe position, hazardous or defective hand tools, and machine tools.
  2. Work Area: Flooring-uneven, obstructed, slippery, cramped quarters, exposure to traffic, insecure piles or overhead material, poor illumination, glare, temperature too hot, too cold, exposure to gases, dust, fumes, vapors, etc-, hazards from nearby operations, flying or falling objects, electrical, chemical, radiation and trip-fall hazards, workspace, aisle, platforms, stairs, railings, Spillage, exits, doors, roofs, roadways, yards, etc.
  3. Material Handling: Nature of material or object-heavy, unwieldy, rough, sharp, hot, corrosive, explosive toxic, etc, unsafe handling of equipment-lifts, hoists, chain pulley blocks, containers, conveyors, trucks, cranes, derricks, transport vehicles, elevators, chains, cables, slings, and handling methods.
  4. Equipment: Pressure vessels, revolving and vibrating equipment, pumps and n10toxs, tanks, Scrubbers, flares, effluent treatment plants, safety devices, maintenance tools, personal protective equipment, fire fighting equipment, production and related equipment electrical equipment, power or energy equipment, store equipment, etc.
  5. Unsafe Work Practices: Operating without authority, operation at an unsafe speed, guards removed or made ineffective, use of defective tools or using unsafely, handling materials unsafely, standing or .working under a suspended load, open hatches, shafts or scaffolds, walking on railroad tracks, driving vehicles wrongly, etc, repairing or adjusting equipment in motion, under pressure, electrically charged or containing dangerous substances distraction of attention, failure to use or using wrong personal protective and fire fighting equipment, poor housekeeping and failure to remedy unsanitary or unhealthy conditions.
  6. Specific Points: Special checkpoints depending upon the specialty of the plant, process, material, etc. and points not classified elsewhere should be included here Special checklists for the points of plant layout, machine guarding, housekeeping, lighting, ventilation, fire, material handling, and various processes engineering, textile, chemical, etc.

Click below link for a sample of plant checklist.

Checklist for construction site inspection


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