20 Multiple-Choice Questions for National Safety Day

Multiple-Choice Questions for National Safety Day


1. When is National Safety Day celebrated in India?

A) February 28
B) March 4 ✅
C) April 5
D) May 10

2. What is the main objective of National Safety Day?

A) To celebrate workplace achievements
B) To spread awareness about safety, health, and the environment ✅
C) To conduct fire drills
D) To promote traffic rules only

3. Which organization initiated National Safety Day in India?

A) Ministry of Health
B) National Safety Council (NSC) ✅
C) Indian Red Cross Society
D) Bureau of Indian Standards

4. In which year was the National Safety Council of India established?

A) 1950
B) 1966 ✅
C) 1975
D) 1982

5. What is the theme of National Safety Day 2024?

A) Safety First, Work Last
B) Stay Alert, Stay Safe
C) Safety and well-being crucial for viksit bharat ✅
D) Safety and Productivity Together

6. Which of the following is NOT a type of workplace hazard?

A) Physical hazards
B) Chemical hazards
C) Psychological hazards
D) Economic hazards ✅

7. Which of these is an important safety measure in fire emergencies?

A) Running as fast as possible
B) Using an elevator
C) Following the fire exit signs ✅
D) Hiding under a desk

8. What does PPE stand for in workplace safety?

A) Personal Protective Equipment ✅
B) Public Protection Efforts
C) Professional Precautionary Equipment
D) Personal Property Essentials

9. What color is commonly used for safety signs indicating “Caution”?

A) Red
B) Yellow ✅
C) Blue
D) Green

10. Which of the following is NOT a fire extinguisher type?

A) Water
B) Foam
C) Oxygen ✅
D) Carbon Dioxide

11. What does a green safety sign indicate?

A) Danger
B) Mandatory action
C) Safe condition ✅
D) Prohibition

12. Which government body in India is responsible for industrial safety regulations?

C) DGMS (Directorate General of Mines Safety) ✅
D) NITI Aayog

13. Which gas is known as the “silent killer” due to its toxic effects in enclosed spaces?

A) Oxygen
B) Carbon Monoxide ✅
C) Hydrogen
D) Nitrogen

14. What is the main cause of workplace accidents?

A) Poor management
B) Lack of safety training ✅
C) Bad weather
D) Long working hours

15. What is the safest way to lift a heavy object?

A) Bend at the waist and lift quickly
B) Use your back muscles to lift
C) Keep your back straight and lift with your legs ✅
D) Hold your breath while lifting

16. Which of these is NOT an example of an ergonomic hazard?

A) Poor posture
B) Repetitive motions
C) Loud noise ✅
D) Improper workstation setup

17. What should be your first action if you notice a gas leak at the workplace?

A) Use your phone to call for help
B) Turn off electrical appliances ✅
C) Light a match to confirm the leak
D) Ignore it and leave the premises

18. What does the color red signify in safety signs?

A) Prohibition or danger ✅
B) First aid
C) Information
D) Safe exit

19. Which safety rule is essential for working at heights?

A) Wearing loose clothing
B) Using fall protection equipment ✅
C) Carrying heavy tools in hand
D) Working without supervision

20. What is the purpose of conducting safety drills at workplaces?

A) To punish employees
B) To meet government regulations only
C) To train employees for emergencies ✅
D) To create unnecessary panic


  1. Q-6. Which of the Following is not a Type of Workplace Hazard?

    (A) Physical Hazards
    (B) Chemical Hazards
    (C) Psychological Hazards
    (D) Economic Hazards ✅

    Corrections Please ! : Kindly Correct Immediately !!

    (D) Economic Hazards………..

    Wrong Spelling : It is Not A Economic Hazards

    Right Spelling : It is An Ergonomics Hazards

    FAQs on Ergonomics:

    1/ What is the Meaning of Ergonomics?

    Ergonomics can roughly be defined as the study of people in their working environment. More specifically, an Ergonomist (pronounced like economist) designs or modifies the work to fit the worker, not the other way around. The goal is to eliminate discomfort and risk of injury due to work.

    2/ What is Another Word for Ergonomics?

    Ergonomics is sometimes also called human engineering or biotechnology (though biotechnology is more commonly used in reference to the use of microorganisms in manufacturing or other industrial processes).

    3/ Why is it Called Ergonomic?

    History of Ergonomics | Japan Ergonomics Society
    The term ergonomics originally comes from the Greek words ergon (work or labor) and nomos (natural laws). The fact that the word ergonomics was coined by a Polish scholar, Wojciech Jastrzębowski, in 1857 became widely known when his book in Polish was reprinted with English translation in 1997.

    4/ What are 3-Three Examples of Ergonomics?

    Physical, Cognitive, and Organizational Ergonomics

    As such, HFE examines the “physical, cognitive, socio-technical, organizational, environmental and other relevant factors, as well as the complex interactions between the human and other humans, the environment, tools, products, equipment, and technology.”

    5/What is the Legal Definition of Ergonomics?

    Ergonomics is the study of people in their workplace and is the process in which workplaces, products and systems are designed or rearranged so that they fit the people who use them. It aims to improve work spaces and environments to reduce the risk of injury.

    Suggested By:

    Health,Safety &Environment-HSE Consultant Advisor
    Tiruchirappalli-621 703 /Tamilnadu-India/

    Contact Mobile Number: +91 94422 88921

    Date: 08.03.2025.

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