Process safety and risk management

Process safety management and risk
Risk management in safety management is very important in process safety.

Process safety and risk management
Purpose- to develop an awareness of how to achieve process safety excellence, manage risk and comply with the regulation.


Safety principle

  • Safety line management responsibility.
  • All injuries can be prevented.
  • Felt concern and care for the workers on β€œ24 hours safety” shall be demonstrated by leaders.
  • The employee shall be trained to work safely.
  • Working safely shall be the condition of employment.
  • Every job shall be assessed for the risk involved and shall be carried out as per authorized procedures/ checklist/ necessary work permits and using the necessary personal protective equipment.

Four key steps:

  1. Establishing a safety culture
  2. Providing management leadership and commitment
  3. Implementing a comprehensive PSRM
  4. Achieving operating excellence through operational discipline.

Management leadership and commitment of Process safety and risk management:

Safety management leadership

  • Establishing the safety culture
  • Establishing PSRM policies/ guidelines.
  • Committing resources.
  • Involving employees.
  • Establishing clear accountability.
  • Auditing for the degree of compliance.
  • Personally participating in PSRM activities.

Key elements of Process safety and risk management:

Concept:- application of management controls to operations involving hazardous materials in a way that process hazards are identified, understood and controlled so that process-related injuries and incidences can be eliminated.


1.Process safety information:

  • Hazards of materials
  • Process design basis
  • Equipment design basis.

2.Process hazards analysis

  • Hazards identification.
  • Consequences analysis.
  • Hazard evaluation.
  • Human factors and facility siting evaluation.
  • Inherent safer process evaluation.

Development of recommendations.

3.operating procedures and safe practices.

  • Development & documented for each process.
  • Consistent with process safety information.
  • Comprehensive safety, health, and environment control.
  • Address all process steps and phases.
  • List standard operating conditions for each step.
  • List raw material and other substances critical to the safety of the process.
  • Describe instruments control.
  • Safe conduct of operating and maintenance activities.
  • Apply to both site and contract employees.
  • Readily accessible to all concerned.

4.Management of technology change

  • The document authorized changes.
  • Document trial results.
  • Establish the tracking system to ensure closure.


5.Quality assurance

  • Design bases and criteria documented and communicated to contractors and operating/maintenance personnel.
  • Written quality control procedures addressing fabrication.
  • Appropriate checks and inspection to ensure that critical equipment is fabricated and installed consistent with the design specification.

6.Prestart-Up safety reviews.

  • Performed on new or modified facilities.
  • Conducted by a multidisciplined team.
  • Confirms- construction, PHA recommendations, procedures and training.
  • Ensure test and inspections are complete.
  • Develop an appropriate checklist.
  • Assign responsibility for execution and follow up.
  • Confirm that facility is safe to start-up.

7.Mechanical integrity.

  • Establishes written maintenance procedures.
  • Train mechanical personnel.
  • Establishes quality control methods for maintenance materials, spare parts and equipment.
  • Ensure ongoing reliability analysis is conducted for critical equipment.
  • Establishes a predictive/preventive maintenance programs.
  • Uses consultants to ensure mechanical integrity.

8.Management of subtle change.

  • Understanding what constitutes a change.
  • Written procedures for management of subtle changes.
  • Review and authorization.
  • PSRM requirements established up front and completed prior to implementation.
  • Operating procedures are modified and personnel trained.
  • Follow-up system to ensure all PSRM elements are completed before implementation.


9.Training and performance.

  • Initial training.
  • Refresher training.
  • Training program.
  • Performance of personnel.


  • Contract selection.
  • Clear communication.
  • Inform contractors process hazards, safety rules, procedures, and practices.
  • Explain emergency response and control plan
  • Maintain- injury, incidences etc.
  • Periodic evaluation by field audits.

11.Incident investigation

  • Prevent reluctance
  • Share finding with others
  • Identify related problems
  • Identify weaknesses in safety systems
  • Guide development of the standard.

12.Management of personnel change.

  • Develop guidelines for maintaining minimum levels of experience and knowledge in the process groups.

Train newly assigned personnel in:-

-principle and features of process safety
-PSI for their process areas.

  • Review the proficiency of new personnel following training.
  • Provide additional measures if losses of experiences and knowledge occur beyond local control.

13.Emergency planning And response.

  • Conduct consequence analysis.
  • Develop plan to mitigate potential consequences.
  • Conduct training/ periodic drills involving response teams.
  • Define persons or position responsible for implementation and coordination.
  • Mitigation of impact, prompt control and compliance with regulations.


  • All elements of PSRM programs periodically audited.
  • The frequency of audits established and followed.
  • Line organization from top to bottom provides the heart of auditing.
  • Audits out sideline done by safety professionals, site and/or corporate process safety groups.
  • Checklist used and documents evaluated.
  • The result of the audit documented and feedback obtained.

Achieved operational excellence

  • Leadership by example.
  • Insufficient resources to support safety programs.
  • Employee improvement.
  • Active lines of communication.
  • Strong teamwork.
  • Shared values.
  • Up-to-date documentation.
  • Practice consistent with procedures.
  • The absence of shortcuts.
  • Excellent housekeeping.
  • Pride in the organization.

In order to improve OHS performance, it is important that top management focus safety through felt commitment, visible at shop floor & amp Review its performance ( proactive and reactive parameters) periodically.

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