National Fire Protection Association


NFPA means National Fire Protection Association of USA. NFPA is an internationally recognised body and their standards, codes and manuals are followed not their standards, codes and manuals are followed not only by American Government and industries but also by other countries in the world. NFC means National Fire Code.

The code indicates (1) relative risk to health (2) flammability (3) instability and (4) possible specific hazards (symbols). Each of the first three aspects (1) to (3) is assigned a value in the range 0-4, the higher number indicating higher risk.

The content of the NFPA code (NFC) is vary exhaustive. A few subjects of 1990 NFC contents are given below:
Accreditation of Fire Protector Education Programs, Air operations for forest, bust and grass fires, Aircraft fire investigations manual, Fire fighting at airport, Airport/community emergency, planning, Alternative approaches to life safety, Ammonium nitrate-storage of, Baled cotton storage, Blower and exhaust systems, Building materials-test methods, fire retardant coatings etc., Fire fighting in specific chemical industries, Protective clothing for fire fighting, Emergency voice/alarm, Cutting and welding process, Fire extinguishers-different type, Electrical code-National Electrical safety requirements, Explosion prevention systems, Fire department, Occupational safety and health programs, Fire dept, Safety officer, Fire detectors, hose etc., Fire Inspector, Fire officer, Fire Prevention Code, Fire pumps, Fire services, Fireworks, Flammable and combustible liquids, gases, solids, Floor covering systems, Foam systems, Footwear, Fuel Gas Code-National Hazardous materials incidents responders, Health care facilities, Homes and camps in forest areas, Hydrants, Life Safety code, Lightning Protection code, LNG and LPG storage and handling, Marine terminals, Breathing apparatus, Personal alert safety systems, (PASS) for fire fighters, Places of worship, Property survey manual, Records-protection of Roll paper storage, Roof coverings-fire tests of, Signalling systems, Smoke and heat venting, Spray and sprinklers systems, Static electricity, Symbols-fire protection, Truck fire protection, Venting of deflagrations, Water supplies, Wetting agents, Wildfire control, Wood dust explosion and Zirconium production processing.

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